Improvements coming . . . eventually

I GM'd a one-shot using this dungeon around a week ago and it didn't go very well. Here's a list of what went poorly:

-The sorceress is too close to one of the entrances. I always knew this was true, and thought the promise of treasure elsewhere in the dungeon would help things. And, of course, the sorceress can just leave if she knows she's about to lose. But I've decided her location still needs to be reconsidered.

-Not enough puzzles, too much combat. I've realized that combat is possibly the most boring part of a D&D game, or at least a theater of the mind one. The dungeon needs more "gameable" elements; hidden passages, traps, locations to ambush enemies from, etc.

-The dungeon needs more locked doors and such. This is a problem with the dungeon being so small; you can't have a lot of locked passages and still have the dungeon be Jaquaysed if it's only 10 rooms. I'm going to expand it a bit.

So, I'm going to go back to the drawing board with this one eventually and rebuild it as a more compelling dungeon. Going to abandon the one-page format so that I can include more interesting detail. It will still be available for free. Hopefully with the second revision I'll crack the code and make an entertaining location.


Green_Rooster 1.1.pdf 1.6 MB
Mar 05, 2024

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